Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Solutions To the World

(1) Global Warming
Well you could start by taking mass transport like the bus and MRT. However, for me, I just hope other people do that instead of me. You could not bath for the week so that you won't waste water. Or not eat for a week so you don't open your refrigerator. A good suggestion is that you could pour salt over the north and south poles but, bad things happen when you temper with nature. My favorite solution is too set up an artificial ozone layer (only be achieved in 500 years time). 

(2) Over Population in India 
The easiest one to solve. Simply promote homosexuality. That way less children will be born and more people will die. They could also cut down the number of hospitals by half. Or you could start the 20th century witch hunt in India. They could also piss off some other country so India get bombed. 

(3) World Hunger
Solve over population in India.

(4) Low Population
Simpliest and best way to solve this is to make prostitution legal. And like a person i know would say, improve technology so that the babies can live up to their first year. 

(5) Suicides
Make prostitution legal.

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